par V@nia-71 | Juin 9, 2022
Enfin les T-shirt ! MSH montre ses premiers top-modèles en Afrique ! Logo sur fond noir, plus pratique pour le Malawi. Seules les étudiantes ont bien voulu poser pour la postérité 😄🥰👍 Girl power ! 💪 Si vous aimez, suivez notre action et likez notre page. 😊 ---- T-shirts at last! MSH shows its first top models in Africa! Logo on black background, more practical for Malawi. Only the female students were willing to pose for posterity 😄🥰👍 Girl power! 💪 If you like it, follow our action and like our page. 😊 ... See more
Voici une magnifique initiative de Shiatsu pour le Bénin. Ce n'est pas la 1ère fois qu'on en parle ici. Mais là, une étape se prépare avec l'arrivée d'étudiants béninois en France et la création d'une école de Shiatsu dans le pays. Pour soutenir cette idée, aidez avec 1€ ou plus cette cagnotte. Car ce n'est que tous ensemble que nous pourrons développer le Shiatsu partout dans le monde. ... See more
MSH is back with a wonderful interview live from the South West Pacific Islands with Karine Favresse. She tells us how she helps and cares for the people of the islands, offering Shiatsu in particular. All over the world, Shiatsu is reaching the most remote places. A must read. If you too are carrying out a project near or far with Shiatsu, MSH can help you promote your efforts or guide you in the development of humanitarian projects. 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 ... See more
For Shiatsu Without Borders month, the Malawi team wanted to join the world and get our students from Dzaleka refugee camp to speak in English, French and Swahili 😍. Send them messages in the comments to support them in their efforts. Long live Shiatsu! 🫶 ... See more
One year after our crowdfunding for a school in Malawi, and after 2 years of actions for the diffusion of Shiatsu on the spot, here is what has been accomplished by MSH: our failures as well as our successes are recounted with a beautiful note of end: the courses in the refugee camp will continue for years to come and will form the first generations of Shiatsu practitioners in Malawi. Follow our evolution date by date. 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 ... See more
🇫🇷 - 🇬🇧 This month we have the great pleasure to introduce you to one of those heart and soul filling Shiatsu missions. Marc Van Espenhoudt is a man of contagious joy. But when he puts it at the service of the children of Bodhgaya (in Northern India), he brings with him his know-how and his passion: Shiatsu. Discover this wonderful humanitarian mission at the Shanti India school in Bodhgaya (in French and English). 🇫🇷 - 🇬🇧 - ... See more
🇫🇷 - 🇬🇧 Depuis plusieurs mois déjà une petite équipe de volontaires forment quelque 40 étudiants au camp de réfugiés de Dzaleka au Malawi. Le but de cette mission est de leur transmettre au moins deux ans de formation. 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 ... See more
Missions Shiatsu Humanitaire (MSH) change sa page d'accueil pour être plus claire. Vous y trouverez les 6 thèmes que nous soutenons et promouvons : aide aux populations, dispensaires shiatsu, aide à la formation et développement d'écoles shiatsu dans les continents du sud, aide aux réfugiés du monde entier, shiatsu social pour les personnes âgées ou défavorisées, voyage et shiatsu pour ceux qui joignent l'utile à l'agréable. Si vous êtes dans l'un de ces cas, contactez-nous, partagez vos expériences ou demandez de l'aide pour développer vos projets. 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 ... See more
CALL FOR TESTIMONIALS Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and much more countries are facing a wave of immigration from Ukraine, Middle East, Central Asia, the Sahel, Africa and South East-Asia and South-America. Among the Shiatsu practitioners, some are already working to help these people who have left everything behind and whose bodies tell of their trials, their journeys, their suffering. MSH wants to relay your initiatives to make more practitioners want to organise themselves for the refugees. Contact us to tell us about your action and set an example for our entire community. We are counting on you. To contact us use Messenger, or our Contact page here ... See more