Here you will find answers for your questions!

Is MSH a private organization?

No, MSH is a platform open to everyone whose aim is to support all humanitarian Shiatsu missions, whether abroad or in your country. We publish your experiences, help you recruit volunteers, give advice.
We are based in France, but mainly we exist online. There is no office. So we are worldwide 😉

How to become a volunteer?

If you would like to volunteer for a humanitarian shiatsu mission, go to the article of your choice in the blog. You will find all the contact details of the associations that organize the missions. A page dedicated to the search for volunteers will be created soon. Just a little more patience 🙂

What Shiatsu level do you need to be a volunteer?

This depends on each event and on the criteria requested by each association that organises these events. But by default we recommend that you are at least in your final year of study. Then, read each recruitment ad carefully to know exactly what is required.

How should I prepare to leave?

We have put together a list of useful tips from our experiences on the Be Prepared page. Read it and for the rest, the organising association will give you the specific complement for each mission.

I would like to create a mission, what should I do?

You have three options. You propose your project to an existing association, you create your own association, or you ask MSH to help you. But in any case, you must have a solid project with existing contacts.

Is it possible to use the MSH platform for crowdfunding?

Yes, we allow you to create your fundraising campaign. We use the Leetchi.com service, but we manage your campaign. Contact us to arrange this.
Not all projects are accepted. There are conditions to benefit from it. Ask for them!

In which language can I communicate?

To communicate with MSH, you can write to us in English and French.
But to write your posts in the blog, via our Add a mission page, you can do it in the language of your choice.

Get in touch!

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