Here is the progress of the humanitarian mission in Malawi since its creation, date by date. You can follow its progress and expenses.

  • 01/09/2019: arrival of Ivan Bel. One year observation mission, establishment of contacts, opening of a private practice
  • 03/09/2020: Opening of the Shiatsu Malawi School + a private course in Lilongwe, Shiatsu training over 2 years. 5 students.
  • 12/10/2020: discussion of the creation of a school on Mchinji Road, 30 min. from the capital, on the land of a local partner: Bahebe Dogani, Shiatsu student
  • 03/06/2021: fundraising crowdfunding for the construction of the Shiatsu school. 3000€ collected.
  • 15/09/2021: opening of a course in Dzaleka refugee camp supported by the NGO Fraternidades Sem Fronteras (FSF). 35 students. Every 15 days. 1 hour drive from Lilongwe.
  • 20/09/2021: purchase and delivery of materials for the school in Mchinji road. Cost: 2000€.
  • 09/01/2022: disappearance of the local partner on Mchinji Road. Work has not started.
  • 20/02/2022: 1st public Shiatsu course
  • 27/03/2022: 2nd public Shiatsu course
  • 01/06/2022: after 6 months of searching, we could not find our local partner. Possibly deceased. Abandonment of the school project on Mchinji Road.
  • 04/06/2022: MSH Board meeting in Toulouse. Reallocation of money. 500€ donation for FSF. 500€ for the school in Dzaleka for the purchase of equipment (T-shirts for students, mats for the floor, cushions…) and operation (petrol).
  • 07/06/2022: Formalisation of the partnership with FSD in Dzaleka for the next 4 years. Project taken over by Julia Lemmer and César Seigneurgens.
  • 12/06/2022: 3rd public Shiatsu course
  • 17/06/2022: Shiatsu exams 2nd year in Lilongwe.
  • 19/06/2022: Ivan Bel leaves Malawi.
  • 01/09/2022: resumption of classes in Dzaleka. Reopening of the private Shiatsu practice.
First lesson at the site of the future school in Mchinji Road
Ivan Bel initiated the MSH project in Malawi.
Local partner: Bahebe Dogani
Class opening in Dzaleka refugee camp